Friday, August 21, 2015

As I have said before I am from California. And I now live in Gans OK. The beauty here is amazing. My love and I go for walks. Its the best way to see this small town of Gans. There are only three hundred people that live here. At one time it was a good size place. Well compared to now any way. I understand long ago there was more like three thousand people that lived here. But a tornado tore the town apart. I for one enjoy living in a small town like this Any way I enjoy it. Things here are not shiny and new. They are older and full of history and memories. The people are friendly here. Every one knows every one. And here I am brand new. Today on our walk we walked down to the post office and to pay the bill on the internet. The building we go in to is not one full of desk or up town sort of things that I would of expected where I lived at in California . It has a large room with one desk and a bunch of stuff here and there. No not an uptown sort of operation. Just one that works. Then we go to the Post office. Joseph and I walk in and I said kind of smells funny. He said well remember they will ship off live chickens from this place. He was not joking. I noticed under four hundred mail boxes in this place. As we walk back home we seem to be more back woods then in a small town. I wanted to walk to the store but I realize that store is to far to walk too at the moment. We always take the truck to the get in go. I have a drink that I call my addiction that I truly enjoy Some kind of strawberry soda. We take the long way home. Joseph wants to show me some old homes. They are amazing. I can see where this was some kind of nice place to live at in the day! Big older homes. I am amazed. Again where I am from, you have nothing but black top and cement. Houses are smack up along side of each other. Stores are also the same way, side by side by side. So much traffic. and so many people. And the air is thick and heavy there also Here, the homes are not side by side by side. Here there is more grass and trees then black top or cement. Even when we go to town, ... Town is just that another town all together where wal mart and places like that are at. We walk and I just enjoy. I enjoy all of the horses and the fields. All of the beautiful homes. Simple , modest homes. Like the one we live in. ( and I love our home) Well that was my day today.

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Pictures of us
It is Amazing how fast life can change. I flew in to OK July 16th, 2015 and I have been here ever sense. At 9:30 PM my life changed for ever as I walked up to the love of my life and meet him for the first time face to face. We had known each other for almost two years and been in a relationship for 3 months. I was in love with this man and he was in love with me. We both knew that and we also knew that G-d had ordain this relationship and it was nothing to play with. I just knew I was so in love with Joseph. We are so much like. I have never known love could be like this. I am not young. I am 54 years old. He had never had this kind of love either. We are best friend, soul mates, He is my life and I am his. I belong to him. And I LIKE that! I am his and will be for the rest of my life. We tell each other we will be together forever and a week. And after that we have to renew our contract :) We have not been apart sense I came in that night in July. We don's want to be apart either! Its being with your best friend 24/7. Its knowing all is well in your world because your soul mate is right there, not out of site, just right there. Its all good because you are in the same place together. Yes we are intense like that. And this is just us being us. It never worked for us before with any one else. He and I are both different from your daily person. We are both in to the Arts, in to Music, and having a simple but very deep like. We both enjoy the simple. We enjoy thinking deeply over a matter and gleaming what ever knowledge we can gleam from it. We are both Spirit filled believers that are on fire to Serve Elohim! We minister on line, and in our home once a week and also at different churches. We love our Abba Father! He is in our midst. And He has chosen us to serve Him together and We do and would not have it any other way. I wanted to lay down a foundation for this blog. The Lord has laid it upon my heart to start one for ladies. Please come back and check out this blog. There will be alot more pertaining to females and married life and life as a child of G-d